Conchita SHOUT OUT to Eva Longoria 0:58
Conchita's at it again, handing out back-handed compliments and talking about her favorite Latina ladies just in time for National Hispanic Heritage Month. Now, if she could only tell the difference between Longoria and other similar sounding names, her shout out could be construed as a compliment. As it stands, we just don't know... Let's face it, Conchita's a tickety-tack, tragic titere mess. [IMAGES by Sean Nadeau: Check him out at http://www.youtube.com/user/alcazarist.]
Submitted by: LosTiteresTV
Keywords: Puppet Theme Song Weed Muppet marijuana Conchita Ronaldo Eva Longoria Latino Hispanic Mortimer Weasel Musical Opening Mouse Satire Muppet
Views: 69